315 Clever and Creative Trivia Team Names for Your Next Quiz Night
We all know that trivia is a fun and engaging activity that brings friends, family, or colleagues together for some friendly competition. Whether you’re participating in a trivia night at your local pub or hosting a quiz event, coming up with creative team names will add an extra layer of enjoyment to the experience!
Trivia Team Names
An excellent trivia team name captures the spirit and personality of your group. It can also foster teamwork and create a more cohesive atmosphere as you challenge your knowledge across various topics. Whether you’re looking for a clever and witty name or something that reflects your competitive edge, there are plenty of options in the list below.
At Teamwork Names, we’ve compiled a list of 315 Trivia Team Names for you. Explore with us now!
Best Trivia Team Names
- Quiz Masters
- Trivia Titans
- Brainstormers
- Knowledge Ninjas
- The Wise Guys
- The Smarty Pints
- Mind Benders
- Trivia Tacticians
- The Quizards
- Brains in Gear
- The Quiz Whizzes
- The Knowledge Knights
- The Quiz Crew
- The Brain Trust
- Think Tank
- The Intellectuals
- The Trivia Champs
- The Masterminds
- The Quiz Experts
- Genius Generation
- The Quiz Pros
- The Trivia Scholars
- The Brain Boxes
- The Trivia Wizards
- The Quiz Society
- Knowledge Seekers
- The Quizologists
- The Bright Minds
- Quizzy Rascals
- The Brainwaves
- The Trivia Guild
- The Quiz Crew
- The Quiz Collective
- Brainiacs
- The Trivia Alliance
- The Knowledge Keepers
- Quiz Quest
- The Thinkers
- Trivia Triumph
- The Quiz Clan
Good Trivia Team Names
- Quiz Quirks
- The Brainiacs
- Thinkers Unite
- The Brain Train
- The Quiz Kids
- The Knowledge Network
- The Quizzical Quartet
- Brainstorm Buddies
- Trivia Troopers
- The Brain Brigade
- The Knowledge Seekers
- Quiz Crew
- Mind Melders
- The Fact Finders
- The Think Tankers
- The Quizmasters
- The Brain Boxes
- The Quizzers
- The Quiz Collective
- The Knowledge Experts
- The Thinkers
- The Smart Set
- The Quiz Squad
- The Knowledge Nuts
- Quiz Questers
- The Bright Sparks
- Brainwave Brigade
- Quiz Quest
- The Quiz Kings
- The Fact Trackers
- The Knowledge Pool
- Quiz Quests
- The Brain Buzz
- Mind Benders
- The Quiz Show
- The Brain Force
- The Quiz Club
- The Quizzicals
- The Knowledge Crew
- Trivia Troop
- The Quiz Vault
- The Brain Box
- The Quiz Show
- Trivia Titans
- The Knowledge Crusaders
Funny Trivia Team Names
- Quizness Casual
- Quiz in My Pants
- Smarty Pants
- Let’s Get Quizzical
- The Know-It-Owls
- Trivia Newton John
- Quizzy McQuizface
- The Quiztecs
- Whiskey Business
- Victorious Secret
- The Know-Nothings
- I Am Smarticus
- Quizzards of Oz
- Risky Quizness
- The Quizzly Bears
- The Quizlamic State
- Les Quizerables
- Triviaholics
- Quiz Khalifa
- Multiple Scoregasms
- The Quizzard of Oz
- The Quizinators
- The Quizly Bears
- Quiztopher Walken
- Trivia Tribe
- The Quizzard’s Sleeve
- Quizimodo
- My Drinking Team Has a Trivia Problem
- Quiz On Your Face
- Trivia Newton John
- We Thought This Was Speed Dating
- Tequila Mockingbird
- My Trivia Crush
- The Triviaholics
- The Quizinators
- Quiz Pro Quo
- Quizzie McQuizface
- No Eye Deer
- Trivial Pursuits
- Quizicists
Clever Trivia Team Names
- Let’s Get Quizzical
- Trivia Newton John
- Quiztopher Walken
- Quizzy Rascals
- Smarty Pints
- The Quizzard of Oz
- Risky Quizness
- The Know-It-Owls
- Trivia Geeks
- Quiztastic
- Quizzards of Oz
- The Quiz Masters
- The Smartinis
- The Brainy Bunch
- Quizzly Bears
- Quiz Pro Quo
- The Quizards
- The Quizters
- Quizical Matters
- Trivial Titans
- Mind Over Matter
- Smarty Pints
- Quizinators
- Trivial Pursuers
- Quiz Khalifa
- Quizzically Inclined
- The Quizness
- The Quiz Knights
- Quiz On My Face
- Triviaholics
- The Smart Asses
- Quiz Me Baby One More Time
- Quiz Team Aguilera
- I Am Smarticus
- The Quizinators
- The Think Tank
- The Quizical Society
- Quizmas Carols
- The Quizy Geniuses
- The Quizzards of Smart
Pop Culture-Inspired Trivia Team Names
- The Triviant Avengers
- The Big Fact Theory
- The Game of Drones
- The Quizzie Smalls
- Trivia Newton John
- The Trivia-nators
- The Quizzard of Oz
- Quiz Me Baby One More Time
- Quizney Princesses
- The Trivia Bunch
- The Lord of the Quiz
- The Walking Deadheads
- Quiz Pro Quo
- The Quiztal Maze
- The Triviaters
- The Simpsons Did It
- The Harry Potterheads
- Trivia Newton John
- Stranger Quizzes
- Breaking Brad
- Quiz Khalifa
- The Trivia-lutionaries
- The Trivia-tors
- The Quizinators
- Friends of Trivia
- Quiz-mas Carols
- The Quiz-tals
- The Fast and the Curious
- The Walking Brainiacs
- The Trivengers
Pun-Based Trivia Team Names
- Quizness Casual
- Quiztopher Walken
- Tequila Mockingbird
- Risky Quizness
- Les Quizerables
- Quiz Pro Quo
- Quizzard of Oz
- Quizzy McQuizface
- I Am Smarticus
- Quizimodo
- Victorious Secret
- The Trivia Pursuits
- Smarty Pints
- Quiz On Your Face
- Quizzical Matters
- Multiple Scoregasms
- Quiz Khalifa
- Tequila Mockingbird
- Quizzly Bears
- Quizzy Rascals
- Trivia Newton John
- The Know-It-Owls
- The Quizinators
- Quizlamic State
- Quizzard of Oz
- Quizzy Smalls
- Quiz It Forward
- Quizzy Wizzy Woo
- Quizzards of Waverly Place
- Quizzy Business
Music-Themed Trivia Team Names
- Trivia Rockstars
- Quiz Zeppelin
- The Beatles of Trivia
- Quiz Jovi
- The Rolling Clones
- Trivia Newton John
- Quizzy Stardust
- The Quizzical Orchestra
- The Trivia Keys
- The Trivia-tar Heroes
- The Quiztones
- The Smartinis
- The Rolling Quiztones
- The Quizzy Hendrix
- The Quizmatics
- Trivia-alicious
- The Brainy Band
- The Quizzy Gillespie
- The Quizzard of Ozzy
- The Quizthmics
- The Brain Waves
- The Quizicles
- Quiz-tina Aguilera
- The Quizinator
- Quiz E. Smalls
- The Sound of Trivia
- The Quiz-Scalators
- The Quizzies
- The Beatle Brains
- Quiz-tallica
Food and Drink Trivia Team Names
- The Quizine Experts
- The Quizine Kings
- Whiskey Business
- The Beer Necessities
- The Quizinators
- Tequila Mockingbird
- The Quizines
- The Hungry Brains
- The Drinking Team
- Wine Not?
- The Quizlings
- Brewed Awakenings
- Quizical Delights
- Food for Thought
- The Quiz-N-Chews
- The Quizney Foodies
- The Quizzly Bears
- The Hungry Minds
- Tequila Mockingbird
- The Trivia Tacos
- The Hungry Brains
- Brewed Knowledge
- The Food for Thought
- The Wine and Dine
- The Beer Necessities
- The Quiz Cuisine
- The Think and Drink
- The Foodies
- The Wine Connoisseurs
- The Drinking Buddies
Mixed Knowledge Trivia Team Names
- The All-Knowing
- The Brainiacs
- The Knowledge Seekers
- The Quiz Masters
- The Mind Benders
- The Quiz Whizzes
- The Intellectuals
- The Think Tank
- The Fact Finders
- The Quiz Wizards
- The Smart Alecks
- The Brainwaves
- The Quiz Collective
- The Info Junkies
- The Knowledge Keepers
- The Quiz Questers
- The Brain Trust
- The Wise Guys
- The Quiz Geeks
- The Knowledge Network
- The Quiz Kings
- The Thinkers
- The Wise Owls
- The Knowledge Crusaders
- The Trivia Buffs
- The Brain Boxes
- The Quiz Champs
- The Mental Giants
- The Masterminds
- The Trivia Troopers
Do you have a favorite trivia team names from our list of 315 Clever and Creative Trivia Team Names for Your Next Quiz Night? Leave a comment below!
Do you have a great suggestion that we haven’t included? Please share it with us in the comments, and your suggestion may be added to our list! If your suggestion is selected, we’ll get back to you to let you know.
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